Plane Poiseuille flow - BVP

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Plane Poiseuille flow - BVP

Plane Poiseuille flow - BVP

in the pressure driven flow of a fluid with viscosity $\mu$ between two stationary plates separated by distance $d$ and driven by a pressure drop $\Delta P/\Delta x$, the governing equations on the velocity $u$ of the fluid are (assuming flow in the x-direction with the velocity varying only in the y-direction):

$$\frac{\Delta P}{\Delta x} = \mu \frac{d^2u}{dy^2}$$

with boundary conditions $u(y=0) = 0$ and $u(y=d) = 0$, i.e. the no-slip condition at the edges of the plate.

we convert this second order BVP to a system of ODEs by letting $u_1 = u$, $u_2 = u_1'$ and then $u_2' = u_1''$. This leads to:

$\frac{d u_1}{dy} = u_2$

$\frac{d u_2}{dy} = \frac{1}{\mu}\frac{\Delta P}{\Delta x}$

with boundary conditions $u_1(y=0) = 0$ and $u_1(y=d) = 0$.

for this problem we let the plate separation be d=0.1, the viscosity $\mu = 1$, and $\frac{\Delta P}{\Delta x} = -100$.

function main
clc; close all; clear all;

d = 0.1; % plate thickness

we start by defining an initial grid to get the solution on

x = linspace(0,d);

Next, we use the bvpinit command to provide an initial guess using the guess function defined below

solinit = bvpinit(x,@guess);

we also need to define the ode function (see odefun below).

and a boundary condition function (see bcfun below).

now we can get the solution.

sol = bvp5c(@odefun,@bcfun,solinit)
sol = 

    solver: 'bvp5c'
         x: [1x100 double]
         y: [2x100 double]
     idata: [1x1 struct]
     stats: [1x1 struct]

sol is a Matlab struct with fields. the x field contains the x-values of the solution as a row vector, the y field contains the solutions to the odes. Recall that U1 is the only solution we care about, as it is the original u(x) we were interested in.

y = sol.x;
u1 = sol.y(1,:);
u2 = sol.y(2,:);
plot(y,u1); figure(gcf)
xlabel('distance between plates')
ylabel('fluid velocity')

% the analytical solution to this problem is known, and we can plot it on
% top of the numerical solution
mu = 1;
Pdrop = -100; % this is DeltaP/Deltax
u = -(Pdrop)*d^2/2/mu*(y/d-(y/d).^2);
hold on

As we would expect, the solutions agree, and show that the velocity profile is parabolic, with a maximum in the middle of the two plates. You can also see that the velocity at each boundary is zero, as required by the boundary conditions

function Uinit = guess(x)
% this is an initial guess of the solution. We need to provide a guess of
% what the function values of u1(y) and u2(y) are for a value of y. In some
% cases, this initial guess may affect the ability of the solver to get a
% solution. In this example, we guess that u1 and u2 are constants
U1 = 0.1;
U2 = 0;
Uinit = [U1; U2]; % we return a column vector

function dUdy = odefun(y,U)
% here we define our differential equations
u1 = U(1);
u2 = U(2);

mu = 1;
Pdrop = -100; % this is DeltaP/Deltax
du1dy = u2;
du2dy = 1/mu*Pdrop;
dUdy = [du1dy; du2dy];

function res = bcfun(U_0,U_d)
% this function defines the boundary conditions for each ode.
% we define the velocity at y=0 and y=d to be zero here. If the plates are
% moving, you would substitute the velocity of each plate for the zeros.
res = [0 - U_0(1);
       0 - U_d(1)];

% categories: ODEs
% tags: math, fluids
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Boundary value problem in heat conduction

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Boundary value problem in heat conduction

Boundary value problem in heat conduction

For steady state heat conduction the temperature distribution in one-dimension is governed by the Laplace equation:

$$ \nabla^2 T = 0$$

with boundary conditions that at $T(x=a) = T_A$ and $T(x=L) = T_B$. To solve this in Matlab, we need to convert the second order differential equation into a system of first order ODEs, and use the bvp5c command to get a numerical solution.

the analytical solution is not difficult here: $T =  T_A-\frac{T_A-T_B}{L}x$. but the bvp5c syntax takes a lot to get used to.

For this problem, lets consider a slab that is defined by x=0 to x=L, with T(x=0) = 100, and T(x=L) = 200. We want to find the function T(x) inside the slab.

To get the system of ODEs, let $T_1 = T$, and $T_2 = T_1'$. That leads to $T_2' = T_1''$ and the following set of equations:

$\frac{dT_1}{dx} = T_2$

$\frac{dT_2}{dx} = 0$

with boundary conditions $T_1(0) = 100$ and $T_1(L) = 200$. By inspection you can see that whatever value $T_2$ has, it will remain constant since the derivative of $T_2$ is equal to zero.

function main

we start by defining an initial grid to get the solution on

x = linspace(0,5,10);

Next, we use the bvpinit command to provide an initial guess using the guess function defined below

solinit = bvpinit(x,@guess);

we also need to define the ode function (see odefun below).

and a boundary condition function (see bcfun below).

now we can get the solution.

sol = bvp5c(@odefun,@bcfun,solinit)
sol = 

    solver: 'bvp5c'
         x: [0 0.5556 1.1111 1.6667 2.2222 2.7778 3.3333 3.8889 4.4444 5]
         y: [2x10 double]
     idata: [1x1 struct]
     stats: [1x1 struct]

sol is a Matlab struct with fields. the x field contains the x-values of the solution as a row vector, the y field contains the solutions to the odes. Recall that T1 is the only solution we care about, as it is the original T(x) we were interested in.

x = sol.x;
T1 = sol.y(1,:);
T2 = sol.y(2,:);
plot(x,T1); figure(gcf)

% for demonstration we add the analytical solution to the plot
hold on
Ta = 100; Tb = 200; L = 5;
plot(x,Ta - (Ta-Tb)/L*x,'r--')
legend 'Numerical bvp5c' 'analytical solution'

As we would expect, the solutions agree, and show that the temperature changes linearly from the temperature at x=0 to the temperature at x=L.

the stats field gives you some information about the solver, number of function evaluations and maximum errors

ans = 

    nmeshpoints: 10
         maxerr: 9.8021e-016
      nODEevals: 106
       nBCevals: 9

function Tinit = guess(x)
% this is an initial guess of the solution. We need to provide a guess of
% what the function values of T1(x) and T2(x) are for a value of x. In some
% cases, this initial guess may affect the ability of the solver to get a
% solution. In this example, we guess that T1 is a constant and average
% value between 100 and 200. In this example, it also does not matter what
% T2 is, because it never changes.
T1 = 150;
T2 = 1;
Tinit = [T1; T2]; % we return a column vector

function dTdx = odefun(x,T)
% here we define our differential equations
T1 = T(1);
T2 = T(2);

dT1dx = T2;
dT2dx = 0;

dTdx = [dT1dx; dT2dx];

function res = bcfun(T_0,T_L)
% this function defines the boundary conditions for each ode. In this
% example, T_O = [T1(0)  T2(0)], and T_L = [T1(L) T2(L)]. The function
% computes a residual, which is the difference of what the current solution
% at the boundary conditions are vs. what they are supposed to be.  We want
% T1(0) = 100; and T1(L)=200. There are no requirements on the boundary
% values for T2 in this example.
res = [100 - T_0(1);
       200 - T_L(1)];

% categories: ODEs
% tags: math, heat transfer
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Symbolic math in Matlab

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Symbolic math in Matlab

Symbolic math in Matlab

Matlab has some capability to perform symbolic math.


Solve the quadratic equation

syms a b c x  % this declares a b c and x to be symbolic variables

f = a*x^2 + b*x + c

solution = solve(f,x)
f =
a*x^2 + b*x + c
solution =
 -(b + (b^2 - 4*a*c)^(1/2))/(2*a)
 -(b - (b^2 - 4*a*c)^(1/2))/(2*a)

the solution you should recognize in the form of $\frac{b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4 a c}}{2 a}$ although Matlab does not print it this nicely!

pretty(solution) % this does a slightly better ascii art rendition
  +-                       -+ 
  |          2         1/2  | 
  |    b + (b  - 4 a c)     | 
  |  - -------------------  | 
  |            2 a          | 
  |                         | 
  |          2         1/2  | 
  |    b - (b  - 4 a c)     | 
  |  - -------------------  | 
  |            2 a          | 
  +-                       -+


you might find this helpful!

diff(f) % first derivative
diff(f,2) % second derivative
ans =
b + 2*a*x
ans =
diff(f,a) % derivative of f with respect to a
ans =



int(f, 0, 1) % definite integral from 0 to 1
ans =
(a*x^3)/3 + (b*x^2)/2 + c*x
ans =
a/3 + b/2 + c

Analytically solve a simple ODE

ode = 'Dy = y';  % note the syntax: Dy = dydx
init = 'y(0)=1';
independent_variable = 'x';
y = dsolve(ode, init, independent_variable)
y =

evaluate the solution at a few places

say x=4 using the subs command.

ans =


we can also evaluate it on a range of values, say from 0 to 1.

x = 0:0.1:1;
Y = subs(y,x);
xlabel('x values')
ylabel('y values')
title('Solution to the differential equation y''(x) = y(x)')

Warning! this note is in the dsolve documentation

Note By default, the solver does not guarantee general correctness and completeness of the results. If you do not set the option IgnoreAnalyticConstraints to none, always verify results returned by the dsolve command.

Let's see what this means

y1 = dsolve('Dy=1+y^2','y(0)=1')

y2 = dsolve('Dy=1+y^2','y(0)=1',...
y1 =
tan(pi/4 + t)
y2 =
piecewise([C13 in Z_, tan(pi/4 + t + pi*C13)])

those solutions look different, but it isn't clear what do to with the second one.

see also: and

% categories: Symbolic
% tags: math
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Phase portraits of a system of ODEs

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Phase portraits of a system of ODEs

adapted from

clear all; close all; clc

Problem setup

An undamped pendulum with no driving force is described by

$$ y'' + sin(y) = 0$$

We reduce this to standard matlab form of a system of first order ODEs by letting $y_1 = y$ and $y_2=y_1'$. This leads to:

$y_1' = y_2$

$y_2' = -sin(y_1)$

The phase portrait is a plot of a vector field which qualitatively shows how the solutions to these equations will go from a given starting point. here is our definition of the differential equations:

f = @(t,Y) [Y(2); -sin(Y(1))];

To generate the phase portrait, we need to compute the derivatives $y_1'$ and $y_2'$ at $t=0$ on a grid over the range of values for $y_1$ and $y_2$ we are interested in. We will plot the derivatives as a vector at each (y1, y2) which will show us the initial direction from each point. We will examine the solutions over the range -2 < y1 < 8, and -2 < y2 < 2 for y2, and create a grid of 20x20 points.

y1 = linspace(-2,8,20);
y2 = linspace(-2,2,20);

% creates two matrices one for all the x-values on the grid, and one for
% all the y-values on the grid. Note that x and y are matrices of the same
% size and shape, in this case 20 rows and 20 columns
[x,y] = meshgrid(y1,y2);
ans =

    20    20

ans =

    20    20

computing the vector field

we need to generate two matrices, u and v. u will contain the value of y1' at each x and y position, while v will contain the value of y2' at each x and y position of our grid.

we preallocate the arrays so they have the right size and shape

u = zeros(size(x));
v = zeros(size(x));

% we can use a single loop over each element to compute the derivatives at
% each point (y1, y2)
t=0; % we want the derivatives at each point at t=0, i.e. the starting time
for i = 1:numel(x)
    Yprime = f(t,[x(i); y(i)]);
    u(i) = Yprime(1);
    v(i) = Yprime(2);

now we use the quiver command to plot our vector field

quiver(x,y,u,v,'r'); figure(gcf)
axis tight equal;

Plotting solutions on the vector field

Let's plot a few solutions on the vector field. We will consider the solutions where y1(0)=0, and values of y2(0) = [0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5], in otherwords we start the pendulum at an angle of zero, with some angular velocity.

hold on
for y20 = [0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5]
    [ts,ys] = ode45(f,[0,50],[0;y20]);
    plot(ys(1,1),ys(1,2),'bo') % starting point
    plot(ys(end,1),ys(end,2),'ks') % ending point
hold off

what do these figures mean? For starting points near the origin, and small velocities, the pendulum goes into a stable limit cycle. For others, the trajectory appears to fly off into y1 space. Recall that y1 is an angle that has values from $-\pi$ to $\pi$. The y1 data in this case is not wrapped around to be in this range.


% categories: ODEs
% tags: math
% post_id = 799; %delete this line to force new post;
ans =


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Solving Bessel's Equation numerically

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Solving Bessel's Equation numerically

Solving Bessel's Equation numerically

Reference Ch 5.5 Kreysig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th ed.

Bessel's equation $x^2 y'' + x y' + (x^2 - \nu^2)y=0$ comes up often in engineering problems such as heat transfer. The solutions to this equation are the Bessel functions. To solve this equation numerically, we must convert it to a system of first order ODEs. This can be done by letting $z = y'$ and $z' = y''$ and performing the change of variables:

$$ y' = z$$

$$ z' = \frac{1}{x^2}(-x z - (x^2 - \nu^2) y$$

if we take the case where $\nu = 0$, the solution is known to be the Bessel function $J_0(x)$, which is represented in Matlab as besselj(0,x). The initial conditions for this problem are: $y(0) = 1$ and $y'(0)=0$.

function bessel_ode
clear all; close all; clc;
% define the initial conditions
y0 = 1;
z0 = 0;
Y0 = [y0 z0];

There is a problem with our system of ODEs at x=0. Because of the $1/x^2$ term, the ODEs are not defined at x=0.

ans =


if we start very close to zero instead, we avoid the problem

ans =


xspan = [1e-15 10];
[x,Y] = ode45(@fbessel, xspan, Y0);

hold on
legend 'Numerical solution' 'analytical J_0(x)'

You can see the numerical and analytical solutions overlap, indicating they are the same.

ans =


function dYdx = fbessel(x,Y)
% definition of the Bessel equation as a system of first order ODEs
nu = 0;

y = Y(1);
z = Y(2);

dydx = z;
dzdx = 1/x^2*(-x*z - (x^2 - nu^2)*y);

dYdx = [dydx; dzdx];

% categories: ODEs
% tags: math
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