ODEs with discontinuous forcing functions
September 01, 2011 at 01:56 PM | categories: odes | View Comments
ODEs with discontinuous forcing functions
John KitchinContents
Problem statement
Adapted from http://archives.math.utk.edu/ICTCM/VOL18/S046/paper.pdf A mixing tank initially contains 300 g of salt mixed into 1000 L of water. at t=0 min, a solution of 4 g/L salt enters the tank at 6 L/min. at t=10 min, the solution is changed to 2 g/L salt, still entering at 6 L/min. The tank is well stirred, and the tank solution leaves at a rate of 6 L/min. Plot the concentration of salt (g/L) in the tank as a function of time.Solution
A mass balance on the salt in the tank leads to this differential equation:

function main
tspan = [0,15]; % min Mo = 300; % gm salt [t,M] = ode45(@mass_balance,tspan,Mo); V = 1000; % L plot(t,M/V,'b.-') xlabel('Time (min)') ylabel('Salt concentration (g/L)')

ans = donediscontinuous feed concentration function
function Cs = Cs_in(t)
if t < 0 Cs = 0; % g/L elseif t > 0 && t <= 10 Cs = 4; % g/L else Cs = 2; % g/L end

function dMsdt = mass_balance(t,Ms)
V = 1000; % L nu = 6; % L/min dMsdt = nu*Cs_in(t) - nu*Ms/V;
% categories: ODEs